# | 文件名称 | 文件大小 |
1 | (GB_T70.1-2008_M4x14).CATPart | 602.44K |
2 | agrafe de lanceur.CATPart | 140.93K |
3 | aiguille 8.CATPart | 172.24K |
4 | aiguille D=12.CATPart | 173.44K |
5 | allumeur.CATProduct | 192.57K |
6 | arbre secondaire.CATProduct | 96.13K |
7 | axe butee de segmengt.CATPart | 61.84K |
8 | axe de culbuteur.CATPart | 62.76K |
9 | axe de frein.CATPart | 455.98K |
10 | axe de frein.CATProduct | 40.70K |
11 | axe de tete de bielle.CATPart | 54.90K |
12 | axe de volet des gaz.CATPart | 143.69K |
13 | axe de volet.CATPart | 226.82K |
14 | axe secondaire.CATPart | 465.29K |
15 | axe serti de lanceur.CATPart | 95.08K |
16 | bague darret.CATPart | 74.38K |
17 | bague exterieure roul rouleaux cyl.CATPart | 107.69K |
18 | bague metallique D=25.CATPart | 372.89K |
19 | bague metallique.CATPart | 348.67K |
20 | base du filtre a air.CATPart | 476.91K |
21 | BE reulement 10 BC 01.CATPart | 78.73K |
22 | BE reulement 10 BC 02.CATPart | 117.13K |
23 | begue a levre D=25.CATProduct | 30.50K |
24 | begue a levre.CATProduct | 30.56K |
25 | BI reulement 10 BC 01.CATPart | 101.79K |
26 | BI reulement 10 BC 02.CATPart | 108.34K |
27 | 重复_bielle.CATPart | 1007.73K |
28 | bille de papillon anxilliaire.CATPart | 55.52K |
29 | bille roul 10 BC 01.CATPart | 163.45K |
30 | bille roul 10 BC 02.CATPart | 126.47K |
31 | bobine1.CATPart | 3.18M |
32 | boitier de ressort spiral.CATPart | 100.36K |
33 | bouchon alu.CATPart | 77.06K |
34 | bougie assemblee.CATProduct | 28.36K |
35 | bougie.CATPart | 673.86K |
36 | bount.CATPart | 205.35K |
37 | bouton.CATPart | 266.11K |
38 | bras de liaison.CATPart | 206.37K |
39 | buse dadmission.CATPart | 62.10K |
40 | buse de distribution.CATPart | 183.84K |
41 | butee emboutie.CATPart | 216.99K |
42 | butee de lanceur.CATPart | 79.28K |
43 | butee de ressort des gaz.CATPart | 94.58K |
44 | butee rivetee.CATPart | 64.73K |
45 | cable de bougie.CATPart | 349.12K |
46 | cage a aiguilles D=12.CATProduct | 31.83K |
47 | cage a aiguilles d=8.CATProduct | 29.04K |
48 | cage.CATPart | 224.94K |
49 | caged 8.CATPart | 141.50K |
50 | caged D=12.CATPart | 144.44K |
51 | cale de reglage.CATPart | 99.04K |
52 | cale.CATPart | 116.67K |
53 | came de lanceur.CATPart | 159.50K |
54 | capot de filtre a air.CATPart | 577.09K |
55 | carburateur.CATProduct | 409.67K |
56 | carre de frein.CATPart | 513.41K |
57 | carter de lanceur.CATPart | 2.43M |
58 | carter dembrayage assemble.CATProduct | 93.70K |
59 | carter dembrayage.CATPart | 1.46M |
60 | chape de frein.CATPart | 170.60K |
61 | chapeau de diaphragme.CATPart | 1.62M |
62 | chapeau de membrane.CATPart | 325.36K |
63 | clavette disque.CATPart | 53.23K |
64 | cloche dembrayage.CATPart | 128.41K |
65 | corde de lanceur.CATPart | 455.01K |
66 | corps de carbu.CATPart | 3.72M |
67 | cosse de raccordement courte.CATPart | 420.53K |
68 | cosse de raccordement.CATPart | 538.59K |
69 | cosse2.CATPart | 383.08K |
70 | coude de raccord.CATPart | 111.27K |
71 | 重复_culbuteur.CATPart | 374.74K |
72 | cylindre.CATPart | 2.37M |
73 | demi-carter droit.CATPart | 1.78M |
74 | demi-carter gauche.CATPart | 1.89M |
75 | 重复_diaphragme.CATPart | 264.41K |
76 | disque de frein.CATPart | 62.70K |
77 | ecrou Q m5.CATPart | 106.93K |
78 | embrayage centrifuge.CATProduct | 64.41K |
79 | empilage.CATPart | 119.57K |
80 | entretoise alu .CATPart | 55.24K |
81 | entretoise de pot.CATPart | 74.02K |
82 | fil elec 1.CATPart | 460.35K |
83 | fil elec3.CATPart | 468.47K |
84 | fil elec4.CATPart | 391.86K |
85 | filtre a air.CATProduct | 72.80K |
86 | filtre.CATPart | 165.29K |
87 | ful elec1.CATPart | 570.52K |
88 | garniture.CATPart | 76.43K |
89 | GB41-2000_M4.CATPart | 627.85K |
90 | GB6170-2000_M4.CATPart | 337.62K |
91 | GB6170-2000_M8.CATPart | 417.23K |
92 | GB6171-2000_M2.CATPart | 317.66K |
93 | GB896-1986__5.CATPart | 157.00K |
94 | GB896-1986__8.CATPart | 111.21K |
95 | GB97.1-2002 3.CATPart | 55.92K |
96 | GB_T 97.1-2002 4.1.CATPart | 348.38K |
97 | GB_T 97.1-2002 4.2.CATPart | 348.38K |
98 | GB_T70.1-2008_M3x10.CATPart | 977.04K |
99 | GB_T70.1-2008_M3x25.CATPart | 1.04M |
100 | GB_T70.1-2008_M4x16.CATPart | 648.39K |
101 | GB_T70.1-2008_M4x20.CATPart | 1.01M |
102 | GB_T70.1-2008_M5x10.CATPart | 500.30K |
103 | GB_T70.1-2008_M5x16.CATPart | 621.09K |
104 | GB_T70.1-2008_M5x45.CATPart | 1.19M |
105 | GB_T70.1-2008_M5x50.CATPart | 1.40M |
106 | GB_T70.1-2008_M6x45.CATPart | 1.03M |
107 | GB_T_65-2000_M2x6.CATPart | 473.15K |
108 | GB_T_65-2000_M3x4.CATPart | 318.32K |
109 | GB_T_65-2000_M3x4_New_16.CATPart | 608.48K |
110 | GB_T_65-2008_M3x12.CATPart | 698.33K |
111 | GB_T_65-2008_M3x6.CATPart | 415.39K |
112 | GB_T_65-2008_M4x12.CATPart | 549.39K |
113 | GB_T_77-2000_M3x5.CATPart | 804.38K |
114 | GB_T_77-2000_M5x4.CATPart | 358.62K |
115 | GB_T_77-2000_M5x4_New_7.CATPart | 674.55K |
116 | GB_T_848-2002_3.CATPart | 59.31K |
117 | GB_T_97.1-2002_4.CATPart | 348.37K |
118 | goujo M4-25.CATPart | 67.08K |
119 | interrupteur .CATPart | 361.15K |
120 | interrupteur.CATProduct | 36.18K |
121 | joint de bougie.CATPart | 140.28K |
122 | joint de carbu.CATPart | 138.27K |
123 | joint de cylindre.CATPart | 230.10K |
124 | joint de diaphragme.CATPart | 303.67K |
125 | joint dechappement.CATPart | 134.64K |
126 | joint plastique D=25.CATPart | 126.94K |
127 | joint plastique.CATPart | 126.70K |
128 | lever de frein.CATPart | 399.25K |
129 | levier de frein.CATPart | 109.95K |
130 | logo moteur.CATProduct | 16.29K |
131 | logo.CATPart | 3.11M |
132 | M4 CHANG.CATPart | 809.72K |
133 | machoire avecgarniture.CATProduct | 28.40K |
134 | machoire de frein.CATPart | 82.10K |
135 | machoire.CATPart | 312.26K |
136 | 重复_membrane.CATPart | 313.84K |
137 | 重复_moteur.CATProduct | 952.80K |
138 | palier Nylon.CATPart | 73.21K |
139 | patte de liaison 2.CATPart | 103.33K |
140 | patte de liaison 3.CATPart | 111.95K |
141 | patte de liaison.CATPart | 2.99M |
142 | patte entretoise support de moteur.CATPart | 171.50K |
143 | patte support.CATPart | 570.85K |
144 | piston.CATPart | 637.73K |
145 | plaque disolation.CATPart | 151.93K |
146 | plaque logo.CATPart | 712.57K |
147 | plaque support de frein.CATPart | 450.30K |
148 | platine support de frein et de transmission primaire.CATProduct | 123.35K |
149 | poignee de lanceur.CATPart | 307.63K |
150 | pointeau de regulation.CATPart | 103.49K |
151 | pot dechapperment .CATPart | 474.68K |
152 | pot dechapperment.CATProduct | 47.15K |
153 | poulie de lanceur.CATPart | 480.46K |
154 | raccord dadmission.CATProduct | 31.62K |
155 | raccord de bougie.CATPart | 319.26K |
156 | raccord de carbu.CATPart | 468.11K |
157 | raccord de pompe damorcage.CATPart | 71.01K |
158 | raccord dinterrupteur.CATPart | 307.94K |
159 | ressort de culbuteur.CATPart | 561.37K |
160 | ressort de lanceur.CATPart | 263.53K |
161 | ressort de maintien.CATPart | 264.70K |
162 | ressort de volet des gaz.CATPart | 511.96K |
163 | ressort dembrayage.CATPart | 570.75K |
164 | ressort dindexage.CATPart | 254.04K |
165 | reulement 10 BC 01.CATProduct | 39.93K |
166 | reulement 10 BC 02.CATProduct | 37.23K |
167 | rigidificateur.CATPart | 87.67K |
168 | rondelle de membrane.CATPart | 55.10K |
169 | rondelle dembrayage.CATPart | 60.59K |
170 | rondelle entretoise.CATPart | 56.74K |
171 | roue z=15 m=1.5.CATPart | 768.61K |
172 | roue z=24 m=1.5.CATPart | 619.48K |
173 | roue z=40 m=1.5.CATPart | 893.76K |
174 | rouleau cylindrique.CATPart | 127.03K |
175 | roulement a rouleaux cylindriques.CATProduct | 36.63K |
176 | segment detancheite.CATPart | 69.87K |
177 | siege de pointeau.CATPart | 55.02K |
178 | sopport dinterrupteur.CATPart | 143.51K |
179 | sortie pot.CATPart | 595.75K |
180 | starter.CATProduct | 51.30K |
181 | support de machoires.CATPart | 253.17K |
182 | taquet de lanceur.CATPart | 99.61K |
183 | tole dembrayage.CATPart | 75.73K |
184 | tube de pot.CATPart | 109.23K |
185 | tube de renfort.CATPart | 65.89K |
186 | tube entretoise court.CATPart | 73.00K |
187 | tube entretoise.CATPart | 72.81K |
188 | vilebrequin D.CATPart | 278.79K |
189 | vilebrequin G.CATPart | 285.34K |
190 | vilebrequin.CATProduct | 29.78K |
191 | vis axe M6.CATPart | 124.56K |
192 | vis c m2-5.CATPart | 107.27K |
193 | vis c m3.CATPart | 115.08K |
194 | vis c m4-9.CATPart | 114.49K |
195 | vis de ralenti.CATPart | 102.13K |
196 | vis de reprise.CATPart | 132.28K |
197 | VIS M4x10.CATPart | 185.91K |
198 | volant magnetique.CATPart | 1.50M |
199 | volet des gas.CATProduct | 76.82K |
200 | 重复_volet des gaz.CATPart | 164.02K |
201 | volet principal.CATPart | 114.57K |
202 | 重复_volet.CATPart | 125.13K |
创作: 160337
粉丝: 831
上传时间:2020-10-11 08:10:56