6542 OldDkGrey Technic Gear 16 Tooth with Clutch.STEP
6542 OldDkGrey Technic Gear 16 Tooth with Clutch.SLDPRT
6542 Black Technic Gear 16 Tooth with Clutch.STEP
6542 Black Technic Gear 16 Tooth with Clutch.SLDPRT
B29 Pistol Crossbow (With Optional Slide Stock)弩
40x40x14mm-with mount - Compressed 2散热器
40x40x14mm-with mount - Compressed 1散热器
直振送料器-50431259 Linear feeder HLF50-M -with collision space
直振送料器-50421880 Linear feeder HLF50-M -with collision space
直振送料器-50270897 Linear feeder HLF25-M -with collision space
直振送料器-50270770 Linear feeder HLF12-M -with collision space
直振送料器-50270718 Linear feeder HLF07-M -with collision space
直振送料器-50260509 Linear feeder HLF07-P -with collision space
直振送料器-50260370 Linear feeder HLF07-M -with collision space
直振送料器-50259973 Linear feeder HLF12-P -with collision space
直振送料器-50259924 Linear feeder HLF12-M -with collision space
直振送料器-50259276 Linear feeder HLF25-M -with collision space
Y4865-电路板 主板 tpu-cam-with-cm4 STP
Y3962-轮毂 17-steel-wheels-with-tire-and-valve SW STP 3DM
Y3166-制冷机 Chiller with screw compressor STP
Y2770-147 robotic-gripper-with-ultrasonic-sensor STP机械爪 夹爪
Y2117-起重机 gantry-crane-with-gripper STP
Y2097-起重机 CRANE-ASSEMBLY with subassemblies STP
Y2093-起重机 Crane With Electric Hoist CREO
Y2012-麦克纳姆轮 frc-mecanum-drive-with-low-gear SW
Y1990-麦克纳姆轮 ugv-with-mount-for-robotic-arm SW
Y0081-悬挂系统 90k-axle-config-with-air-ride-intraxx STP
有外壳保护的超声波传感器 Ultrasound Sensor with CaseHC-SR04 with case--STL
浴室炉the-grfurnace-for-a-bath-1832-模型格式为 sw
蒸汽机the-3-sisters-steam-engine-1833-模型格式为 sw
板对板连接器1.27mm Pitch, SEARAY Plug, 400 Circuits, 3.50mm Unmated Height, 10 Rows, with Pegs, Solder Charge Lead-Free, with Voids, per VITA-57
Y6786-人体模型 construction-worker-with-clipboard IGS
Y4384-接插件 Lipo Charger - With Load Protection STP
Y2472-减速器 gearbox-with-two-stages-of-cylindrical-gears SW